Growing Methods

Growing the Abell way.

100% of plants are home grown on our 3 acre site here in North Devon. Traditional time tested techniques are combined with modern methods to achieve quality plants for instant garden impact. Plants are only offered for sale when fully rooted, established and hardy. 

Abell and the environment.

Peat Free ✔️  

Here at Abell Perennials we have been peat free for the last 10 years and use kerbside recyclable pots for our plants. 

Reduced Packaging ✔️

During certain times of the year we offer bare-root sales of our perennials to reduce the use of both compost and packaging. 

Water Conscious ✔️

We use filtered bore hole water to irrigate our tunnels and nursery and also collect and store rain water on site.

Wildlife Friendly ✔️

We love our wildlife and believe it is the foundation to what we do but as an enabler as to why we are here. We simply wouldn't be here without our pollinators. Strict nursery hygiene and the use of biological control (the introduction of natural predators to target problem pests) means that minimal pesticides are necessary. Nematodes and mites are routinely introduced to target specific pests. Our in house pest control team of cats, dogs and the occasional hedgehog make light work of any unwanted visitors!